Outperform Your Own Expectations

LIFE CAN BE OVERWHELMING. Managing responsibilities and juggling tasks, whether at work, at home, or in family life can be a challenge and can leave us feeling ineffective and exhausted.

ADHD COACH Juliana Hock can help you develop important Social Skills and Executive Functions skills to accomplish your goals. Through coaching, individuals identify and utilize their strengths to improve effectiveness in planning, organization, time management, self-regulation, and social interactions to take charge of their lives.

EXPERIENCE MATTERS. Juliana has considerable knowledge and expertise to help adults fulfill their potential and experience success. Juliana has more than 29 years of experience living with inattentive ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia.

She is also an educator, a coach, and a speaker.

Looking for success and results instead of focusing on what is going wrong? Connect with other adults with ADHD in one of our special communities.

Small Group Coaching

For Working Professionals with ADHD

Do you struggle with negative thoughts?

Would you like to understand your brain so that you can have empowering thoughts? I can help you navigate through these negative self-beliefs.

As an adult, do you struggle with receiving and processing information?

When you were in school, did your teacher teach you the standard way to read and write?

I can help you discover your learning modalities and learning style so that you can discover how to receive, and process information.

Individual Coaching